Monday, November 29, 2010

Crazy Christmas

We got our new Christmas tree tonight. Some rich people were eying it and we took it first. They were saying things like, "ow that one is perfect , yea lets get that one." The son said to the mom, when he saw us standing by it, "mom  this one over here is good",pointing away from our tree. She said pointing at  our tree," no we're getting that one." So when Brian got the guy to get it for us. She stared me down like  she was a cheetah about to launch herself upon her pray,(the tree). As we walked away smiling she murmured in the background. It was expensive but I enjoyed taking it from her. snob>>> sorry That was so rude but we were there first. I do wish them good tidings though. My tree smells awesome by the way. anyhoo just remember to be kind to others this season even if they try to steal  your tree from under you.
   Speaking of crazy Black Friday shopping was insane. I got to Walmart at 10 and had to sit outside my itemI wanted which was a Leapster 2. you cant touch the items until 1201am. There were so many people there I made a new friends and everybody generally got along. we waited for 2 and a half hours just to check out. crazy! So the moral of this is even if your stressed or in a hurry, be polite and kind. At some point you might even make a good friend along the way. Be safe and happy holidays.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

tabaco empire

I wrote a letter to Dr Jeoffery Wigand. If you don't know him  he is the scientist who worked for a big tobacco company and was willing to do an interview on 60min about the addiction smoking causes. He lost his family his home and suffered a lot of scrutiny because of this not to mention death threats if he didn't shut up. I thought it might be nice to post it.
          Dr Wigand, I wanted to tell you thank you for all you have done. I know that you probably get letters like this all the time, but I have just watched The Insider with my husband, and thank you.
I don't know what else to say. No one can possibly understand what you have truly sacrificed to be true to humanity. Not to mention no words can express what you went through to be honest.
If there were more people like you maybe the tobacco industry would loose out. You went up against the mob with bravery and courage. Did you know what would happen? Were you scared? How do you feel about the situation now? Would you have done anything differently, and If so what? You are my hero, and a hero to many others. Some day I plan on writing  books, and perhaps maybe I will write a story about big tobacco companies. Portraying them as something else akin to Gorge A. Romero's take on consumerism. He made it out that zombies are all of us due to our unquenchable need to devour anything. The tobacco industry is like a corrupt empire forcing its way into the homes of families, devouring the income resources of the government and polluting the minds of many. Anyway, thats the gist and I would love your input. I am 25 and have just found my reason in life, so many thanks for all of your sacrifices and hardships.
-Samantha Griffin
I am not certain if he will even reply, but it was nice to express how I felt. If more people stood up to the tobacco industry then maybe we could get rid of them all together. thanks again for listening. May the universe give you light.

Friday, November 12, 2010

the pending Zombie apocolypse

      Last night I had a dream about the zombie apocalypse. I seem to have that dream quite a lot and I have come to the conclusion that these dreams are my simulations to prepare me for the zombie up-rising. For some reason I can never seem to win out. Maybe this is a sign that I am not prepared. So I have decided that I need certain items to survive.
      A sword of some sort, it needs to be sharp, a shotgun with 7 billion bullets( just in case). For that matter I should probably learn how to shoot. A underground bunker with with a storage facility with enough food and water for ten years, or with a hydroponics center.Of course this would all have to be self sustaining. The other three options are a small retreat on water, but then I decided  that zombies would find a way to climb the support that held it up.Then there is the solar powered home in a tree only accessible by retractable ladder. I  had previously decided that we would have boxes for growing fruits herbs and vegetables, and that this would be in a place like yellow stone. I had also thought that a good place to live would be the Anasazi caves in the cliffs of Arizona, because the only way up or down would be rope ladders. Of course you would have to build walls to stop children from falling off.
     No matter where I am I would want to have access to knowledge, such as books. So that I can learn and teach survivors the necessities. Maybe learn to fly.
     I would have to loose weight and be fit. not to mention would I need to find funds, and prepare a survival kit for the back of my jeep, such as guns, ammo, food, and water. In the likelihood of this unlikely event happening I suggest that if you heed my ideas to make sure you share with others and help others to survive as well. Otherwise you'll be all alone and that would suck, not to mention it would be hard to do all this alone. (In case you  needed to be reminded, this is not ever going to happen at least not in our lifetime and I made all this up.)

Monday, November 8, 2010

thinking before speaking

Sometimes people don't realize that  they are saying something inappropriate and hurtful. Like myself for example. My sister in law is an amazing person and loving, sweet, considerate, helpful not to mention she is an amazing mother, she is always putting her family first. Even when they are morons like me. It doesn't matter what anyone looks like. It only matters what they are inside. Each one of us is different, if we were all the same the world would be a boring place.I love her so much and I hurt her immensely with my previous blog because I wasn't thinking before speaking and I would like to recant that statement. Be sure to think before you speak or type because it can have really severe consequences.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

new beginning

     When I decided to do this I thought of all the amazing things that I have in my life. Some of which are my two beautiful children Owen and Zoe, my loving husband, and my amazing gift. By "my amazing gift" I mean my sensitivity to the universe. Now you probably think that sounds stupid or crazy but its true. I dream of things that actually end up happening, I hear people at night and I get strange feelings and inspirations. I  decided that I would share my daily experiences. So on with.... well you, the people out there.
          I do have to say that the first order of business for me will be a new space bar, which is currently missing from my lovely laptop. I am truly exited to share my inner workings and thoughts with you. Which brings me to my next subject. My new diet. I have started a program called Take Shape for Life, which will help me to get to a normal weight of 150 lbs. My entire life I have struggled with weight, and when my children were born I really seemed to put on the pounds. I didn't believe that there was a problem until one night I realized that I knew what being that size can cause. Sickness, constant fatigue, heart disease, stroke, heart attack, and many other problems. I have seen how unhappy a family gets and how worried about me they get, and I didn't want to cause my family that kind of pain. So I made the decision  to do something about it. I currently weigh 286 lbs, and want to be 150 lbs.
             I will  also  be posting stories as I am a writer and have lots to share. I hope that you will enjoy the change...the new beginning. My the universe gives you your deepest desires.